i changed a little bit of Ooparts, unabled the songs plugin, added friendfeed, which can show what i was updated. i think, i have added the aupter add-on, i make's my blog show youtube's video easily, another sound's add on placed in ooparts were stpid and distering.
i try sleipnir, the browser disgned by japanese edior. a lot of people give good comment to sleipnir. what my opinion is, sleipnir is better than IE but Firefox is better than sleipnir.
轉返中文,樓上個段係返工個時打,係研究室部腦裝左sleipnir,無傳說中咁好用,但有一個好好既功能,就係分割TAB,可以好似WORD同EXCEL咁,幾好。查下FF有無ADD ON有呢個功能,即裝。一邊睇土豆一邊打BLOG都唔錯。